Sunday, April 27, 2008

Jon Haddock

Jon Haddock is a talented & prolific artist from Arizona, having amassed a body of work and a series of exhibitions. He became known for his earlier work 'Screenshots' which is is a series of drawings from an isometric perspective, in the style of a computer game. The subject of each drawing is the image, or images, that created a popular cultural event. I particularly like 'Cartoon Violence' & 'Embedded' series, very intriguing installation pieces and artwork.

"The subject of each drawing is the image, or images, that created a popular cultural event. Historical events (like the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lorraine Motel) are used interchangeably with fictionalized events (like the picnic scene from The Sound of Music)." "For me," says Haddock, "there is something about all these events that I don't really understand or accept. Looking at them from the perspective of control is an attempt to understand or, at least, try to contain them." (via Newstoday)

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